
Review: Watsons Aloe Vera Hydrating Facial Mask

By liyana kirana - 1:40:00 PM

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Entry Cik Liya arini nk review 1 produk yg Cik Liya pakai sewaktu melakukan
Home Facial (facial sndri)


Watsons Aloe Vera Hydrating Facial Mask
( terdapat 7 jenis Tencel Mask)

The Watsons Tencel Mask Range is made of 100% Tencel (natural,man-made fiber) An eco-friendly compostable fabric derived from responsibly manage forest.Tencel has a silky smooth surface which pamper delicate skin. Infused with natural hydrating Aloe vera extract together with nourishing trehalose. Opuntia cactus and Algae extract. Its helps your skin repblemish and lock in moisture. Your skin will become Smoother, Softer and More supple after used. Dermatologically tested.

Cara-Cara mengunakan Watsons Aloe Vera Hydrating Facial Mask

(cara pakai korg jugak boleh refer dkt paket mask)

Step 1: Sebelum mengaplikasikan mask ke muka. Korang nk pastikan wajah korg bersih drpd mekap @ kotoran.

Step 2: koyakkan paket mask dan ambil lebihan serum mask didlm paket trsebut dan rata pada muka. (sblum bukak paket mask Cik lia akan simpan dlm peti sejuk selama 5 minit)

Step 3: apply mask td ke wajah korang & tunggu selama 15-20 minit. Biar sehingga serum dmask td serap ke muka..

Step 4: tanggalkan mask dan urut muka korang sehingga serum mask td mnyerap ke kulit..xperlu dibilas..

Step 5: korang boleh la trus pkai mousturiser / apa-apa jenis krim yg korang pakai.
Korang boleh rasa sndri muke korang rase fresh  je..
Yang penting korg kne ada rutin penjagaan wajah yg betul.


RM 6.90 (DISCOUNT 40% D Watsons)
RM 4.14 (after discount)

Boleh di beli


oklah that its for now..
next entry Cik Lia kan buat demo @ tutorial pasal Home Facial
tp tu next entry mybe entry untuk thn dpan..
bye for now.

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